Page Advanced Search
The page Advanced Search can be opened directly from the role center by choosing the action Advanced Search. Alternatively, you can choose the icon, enter Search, and then choose the related link.
The page is split into two sections. The first section is the Search Section allowing you to enter your search terms. By leaving the field or by pressing the Assist Edit button, you will start the search. the second section shows the results.
The results shown on the page are grouped by table. For instance, if you have search results for customers and vendors, you first see a heading Customer and following the customer records found. Then you see a heading Vendor and the vendor records found. The text shown is the content of the field defined in the Name Field Name in the Search Tables or Search Document Tables.
From the list of results, you can select the action Show after you selected a row. This will open the card page associated with the record and display the contents.
The search results only include results from the tables that the current user has access to.