How to process the Financial Summary Integration
Manually running the Synchronization
Choose the icon and enter OpSuite Manual Synchronization and select the related link. This will start the process Opsuite Manual Synchronization. You can then select the synchronizations you want to run. The options available depend on the plan you purchased. If you purchased the Standard plan, the only option available is From OpSuite, which will download the financial summary data from OpSuite™ into Business Central.
Once the synchronization is done, a confirmation message will inform you about it.
Reviewing imported data
Choose the icon and enter OpSuite Integration Finance and select the related link. This will show the OpSuite Integration Finance page. You will see the individual batches that have been imported by date. Please then review the batches to determine, if the batches can be processed or if they have any issues.
If the batches can be processed, the status would show Imported. If the batches have an error, they show a different status. One of those statuses can be G/L Account Mapping Missing. This status indicates that the setup to map the imported data to the right Business Central General Ledger Accounts. If this is the case, there are two different options on how to resolve those.
One of the options is to go to the OpSuite General Ledger Map and update the mappings. Once the mappings have been completed, select the action Reset Mapping on the OpSuite Integration Finance page. This will reprocess the data and map the imported data to the correct General Ledger Accounts. If all of the mappings have been completed, the status will change to Imported.
The other option is to select the action *Show Lines to display the OpSuite Integration Finance Lines page. You can then update the General Ledger Accounts on this page. However, if you update the accounts on the lines, the next imported batch will have the same mapping issues again. Once all of the lines have General Ledger Accounts assigned, the status will also change to Imported.
Processing the Batch
If the status is Imported, you can continue to process the data. This can be done by selecting the action Process Batch. If the Post Financial Data automatically setup is checked, the batch processing will create General Ledger Journals and also post them. This means, if the batch processes correctly, the financial data is available in the Chart of Accounts. The process is completed.
Posting General Journal
if the Post Financial Data automatically setup is not checked, the batch processing only creates the General Journal defined in the OpSuite Integration Setup. You can then open the journal, review it, and then post it manually.