Additional Setups
While the NAV-X OpSuite™ Integration setup performs most of the setups for you, you might want to understand and review the setups to be able to make changes when needed. All setups described below can be reached by choosing the icon and entering the headings below.
Email Setup
if you want to receive notifications via email when an error is received in the automated processing of the synchronization between OpSuite™ and Business Central, you will need to setup the Email functionality. Please follow the standard guide to set up email.
After the setup is completed, please access the Email Scenario Assignment by choosing the icon and entering Email Scenario Assignment. On the Email Scenario Assignment list, please select the function Assign scenarios for the email account you have setup for the sending of the failure notifications. Typically, it would be setup as the Current User.
In the list **Assign scenarios to account...*, please search for the scenario called OpSuite Error Email and assign this to the email account.
Job Queue
If you want to run the synchronization between OpSuite™ and Business Central automatically, you must review and activate the Job Queue Entry provided by us for this feature. Choose the icon, enter Job Queue Entries, and then choose the related link.
You will find a Job Queue Entry for Report OpSuite Manual Synchronization that has the Status set to On Hold. If you used the Assisted Setup, you could have turned on the job queue entry already. Please select this row and then choose the action Edit. By default, it is configured to run once a day between 8 pm and midnight in your local timezone. You can review those settings and change them to have the report run during different days and different times. We do recommend not changing the No. of Minutes between Runs, since it is not necessary to run this report more than once a day.
Once you have made the appropriate changes, you can Set Status to Ready. This action will start running the report now based on your settings and then send out emails automatically.