Credit Card Page
The Credit Card page is the main page to enter credit card information for your customer. It can be accessed from you customers (Navigate > Customer > Credit Cards > Manage > View or Edit). You can enter new credit cards or update existing credit cards. If a credit card is entered and tokenized, you will only see the last four digits in the field Card Number. This is called a Masked Credit Card Number and indicates that the credit card data is not stored in Business Central, but at the Gateway.
General fast tab
First Name | The credit card account holder's first name. Please enter the information as provided on the credit card. |
Last Name | The credit card account holder's last name. Please enter the information as provided on the credit card. |
Card Number | The credit card number as shown on the credit card. Please enter only numbers. Once the credit card information is tokenized, the credit card number is masked, which means that only the last 4 digits are shown. |
Expiration Date | Please enter the credit card's expiration date in the form of MM/YYYY where MM stands for the two digit month and YYYY stands for the 4 digit year. You can also enter the expiration date in the form of MMYY or MM/YY. The system will normalize entry. |
Type | This field is read only. It is automatically filled out after the credit card information has been tokenized and will define, if the card is a Visa or MasterCard or any other of the supported credit card types. |
Default | One payment method per customer can be defined as the Default, which will automatically be added to all transactions. The actual payment method used can be changed on a transaction basis. If a payment method is already defined as default, you will be asked, if the default should be changed to this new payment method. |
Blocked | You can block a card, if the card should not be used anymore. This card will not be shown on the list of available cards for this customer anymore. A card will automatically be blocked, if the card is expired. Learn more about the automated processes. |
Billing Address fast tab
Bill-to Address | Please enter the street of the credit card's billing address. It is defaulted to the customer's address. |
Bill-to Address 2 | Please enter the second address line of the credit card's billing address. It is defaulted to the customer's address. |
Bill-to City | Please enter the city of the credit card's billing address. It is defaulted to the customer's address. |
Bill-to State | Please enter the state of the credit card's billing address. It is defaulted to the customer's address. |
Bill-to Zip Code | Please enter the zip code of the credit card's billing address. It is defaulted to the customer's address. |
Bill-to Country/Region Code | Please enter the country of the credit card's billing address. It is defaulted to the customer's address. If the country is the local country, you do not have to fill it out and can leave it blank. |
Fact Boxes
Credit Card Details
The Credit Card Details fact box shows information about the individual credit card. It shows the masked Card Number as well as amounts that are currently authorized, charged, refunded, or credited, or authorizations that are expiring soon. You can click on the individual values to drill down into the Transaction Ledger Entries.
You can assign files or websites to this credit card. Learn more about Adding Links.
You are not allowed to store the card's security code or any other credit card related information, such as a paper card authorization form. This will violate PCI compliance requirements.
You can enter notes for this credit card. For instance, you can enter information who and when authorized you to charge the cards or if the card was blocked, why it was blocked.
You are not allowed to store the card's security code or any other credit card related information. This will violate PCI compliance requirements.
You can see all transactions that were posted against a credit card. These transactions can be authorizations, charges, or refunds. You also can see any failed transactions and their errors. Learn more about Transaction Ledger Entries.