How to Customer Credit Card Notifications
NAV-X Credit Card displays several notifications and messages throughout the process. You can customize, if you want to see certain messages or not. This can be done under My Settings. Learn more about notifications in general.
You can access these notifications by opening My Settings and then go to Change when I receive notifications.
The following notifications can be changed by adding or removing the check mark from the field Enabled on the page. All notifications added by NAV-X Credit Card start with Credit Card:.
Credit Card: Ask to setup Credit Card | If the app is not setup completely, you will receive a notification on the role center. If you have a company that does not process credit cards, you might want to turn off this notification |
Credit Card: Ask when a sales document is only partially authorized | If you have partial authorization enabled in the Credit Card Setup and the authorization on the sales order is not enough for the order (taking Allow Charge above Authorization by into consideration), the system will ask, if you indeed want to authorize the rest of the order. |
Credit Card: Show confirmation to card during post | If a card is already defined on the document, a question is shown, if this card should be used when capturing a transaction. If you turn off this notification, the question is not shown. |
Credit Card: Show confirmation to use card defined on document | If a card is already defined on the document, a question is shown, if this card should be used when authorizing a transaction. |
Credit Card: Show confirmation to use the card defined on document instead of swiping a card | If a card is already defined on the document, a question is shown, if this card should be used instead of the customer swiping a card. If this notification is turned off, the card defined on the document is not used. |
Credit Card: Show headline for NAV-X Credit Card documentation | A headline will be displayed on the role center to allow easy access to the online documentation for NAV-X Credit Card. |
Credit Card: Show message for successful authorization | When a credit card has been authorized, a message is shown confirming the success. |
Credit Card: Show notification for customer with declined transactions | If you are on a customer card and the customer has credit card transactions that were declined and the orders therefore could not be processed, a notification is shown on the customer card. |
Credit Card: Show notification for sales document with declined transactions | If you are on a sales document and a declined transactions led to the document not being authorized or charged, a notification will be displayed. |
Credit Card: Show notification for service document with declined transactions | If you are on a service document and a declined transaction led to the document not being authorized or charged, a notification will be displayed. |