Release Notes for June 2024 Update - Version 2.5.210
New Features
Shortcut Dimensions
It is possible to define Commission Rates not only by global, but also by shortcut dimensions. The page Commission Rates now shows all global and shortcut dimensions for all shortcut dimensions that are defined in the General Ledger Setup.
Exclude Documents and Lines
It is now possible to select on the page whether a specific document line is Commissionable. It is also possible to define on the document header level whether the entire document is Commissionable or not.
Resolved Issues
Permission Error: recalculate posted sales document commission
When running the Recalculate Posted Sales Document Commissions report, an error message “Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 70020074 NAVX Posted Sales Comm. Line Posted Sales Commission Line Insert: Commission Management)” is received. This has been corrected.
Resource Entry: The default implementation of the interface cannot be used
When a salesperson and resource are setup with the same code, the error "The default implementation of the interface cannot be used" is displayed when commissions are calculated. This has been corrected.
Posted Commission Split
The Split field was not visible, unless the Commission Rates are hidden. This has been corrected.