Page Manager Commission
You can define commissions for sales managers to receive commissions based on their team's performance. With the page Manager Commission you can define the commission rates managers will receive based on the performance of their team. You can access this page from the Salespeople/Purchasers list or Salespeople/Purchasers Card using the action Manager Amounts (Salespeople > Manager Amounts).
Manager Amounts is only shown as an action, if you have turned on Commissions for Managers in the Features fast tab in the Commission Setup
Code | The Code is the salesperson code that the entered salespeople are associated with. |
Commission Type | You can specify a Commission Type for each rate. Read more about Commission Types |
Start Date | If a Start Date is defined, the rate will only be valid, if the Commission Effective Date is the same or greater than the Start Date. |
End Date | If an End Date is left blank, the rate will only be valid, if the Commission Effective Date is the same or less than the End Date. |
Minimum Amount | Defining a Minimum Amount allows the definition of tiered commissions or Hockey Stick commissions. The rate will only be valid, if the calculated amount (based on the time frame and the amount type defined on the Salesperson Card) is the same or greater than the amount defined here. The total performance of the Associated Salespeople is used to calculate the amount. |
Commission Rate Type | - Percentage: Defines that the Commission Rate is a percentage. - Fixed Amount: Defines that the Commission Rate is a fixed amount. - Fixed Amount per Quantity: The Commission Rate defines a fixed amount that is paid for each quantity sold. |
Amount | The commission rate is the actual percentage that is used to calculate the commission, if the Commission Rate Type is set to Percentage. The calculation is: Commissionable Amount * Commission Rate / 100 = Commission Amount. If the Commission Rate Type is a Fixed Amount, the Commission Rate defines this amount. |
Commission Base | The Commission Base defines how the commissions are calculated for a sales manager. The following options are available: - Commissionable Amount: The commissionable amount, which is based on the setup Calculate Commissions on is used - Commission Amount: The total amount of commissions paid to the team is used - Sales Amount: The total sales for the team is used. - Gross Profit Amount: The total sum of the gross profit amount for the sales team is used. |